GOP senators seek change in who is born a U.S. citizen
Two U.S. senators have taken up the mantle of state lawmakers trying to deny automatic citizenship to U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants.
GOP Sens. David Vitter of Louisiana and Rand Paul of Kentucky this week introduced a measure to change the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution so that children born in the United States cannot become citizens unless one parent is already a citizen, legal immigrant or active member of the armed forces.
State legislators in Arizona and other states are preparing to mount efforts to challenge the rights to U.S. citizenship, hoping their state-by-state effort will go to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Immigration legislation faces an uphill battle in the divided U.S. Senate, where majority Democrats agree with President Obama that such measures should include a path to citizenship for people already in the U.S. legally. Republicans such as Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., say such an approach amounts to amnesty.
Vitter and Paul argue the 14th Amendment does not automatically confer citizenship "either by its language or intent."
"Closing this loophole will ... ensure that they have to go through the same process as anyone else who wants to become an American citizen," Vitter said.
Paul said: "Citizenship is a privilege and only those who respect our immigration laws should be allowed to enjoy its benefits."
Some comments by the readers >>>>>>>
1d 3h ago America is emotionally tired and mentally divided on the growing illegal immigration issue. Most lawmakers are afraid of it and will not touch it. For the prior thirty years or so these supposed legislators working for the American people have crippled any new laws against constructing the border wall, E-Verify or anything else that's come their way. Today is entirely different as many strong minded legislators as Sen. Sessions, and a few others have explored the massive impact of this terrible plague of cheap foreign labor. Arizona Governor Brewer and State Representative Peirce have realized the terrible impact they have had to bare, from those illegal workers and their families. As a Border State it has had to suffer silently, but with the gigantic downturn of the caustic housing market, brought upon us by such silent partners in crime as Andrew Cuomo who made it extremely easy through threats to force banks to offer low income, and a majority of illegal alien’s families to buy homes.
On the main agenda now is the burgeoning battle over the 14th Amendment that gives rights immediately to the new born of an illegal parent? The commentary on this is well known, but to my opinion that anybody with a parent who owns allegiance to a foreign country, cannot have any binding right to any citizenship. Eventually the Supreme Court will hear the State of Arizona pleading to overrule the law meant for just slaves after the Civil War. However, with three (I think) out of five justices the law, will stay the same. We can certainly without any exceptions deport the parent or parents? Most Liberal doctrines are a sad ideology, that is a disgrace to this sovereign country and indirectly the progressives are to blame for the 2.500 people who died in the carnage at the World trade Center. Law enforcement was prohibited to ask, certain question of the Muslim murderers who crashed the jets into the buildings thanks to the "Politically Correct" philosophy of a zealot extremists in the Democratic Party.
This report lays out some truths about the birthright law, that outlines some facts that American patriots must explore: This become unfair game to the despondent US Taxpayer as the 14th Amendment is costing taxpayers billions of dollars annually, that should be going to our poor, our senior citizens, our homeless veterans, our mentally handicapped the old and sick. and and Until the Liberal progressives cut off our right to "Free Speech" or introduce the "Fairness Doctrine" I will bring to America attention the dangers of illegal immigration, chain migration and amnesty. Here are the projections of costs of the huge inflow of women 9 month pregnant females and ready to conceive, arriving from every country from one hemisphere to the other, getting free prenatal care, welfare and even as they have more children low income housing. : And
Another rip off of America's tax base is the massive fraud of the child tax credit, that the Fed's have done absolutely nothing about? This is mostly attributed to illegal immigrants who are largely responsible for this silent fraud that our taxes pay for. Another interesting statistic is "How many illegal immigrants have settled in the US, " is an article located in the Christian Science Monitor: I have added these new links because there are so many negative points that must be explored
We must introduce every form of enforcement, including the border fence and scrutiny of every female who steps of a jet or arrive by ship. REMEMBER MOST LIBERTARIAN MEDIA WILL HAVE NO COMMENT BOX FOR YOU TO USE YOUR HEALTHY INTELLECT, AGAINST THEIR RAMBLING AGENDA'S BY SPEAKING OUT WITH FREE SPEECH. THEY ALWAYS TURN TO FOUL LANGUAGE, OR RACIST EPITHETS TO GRIND YOU DOWN, SO YOU WILL NOT STAND AGAINST THIS FINANCIALLY TROUBLING ISSUE. Join a local TEA Party for less government intrusion, fair taxation and to erase the illegal alien invasion that will escalate your tax burden. Learn more about this simmering financial problem and its consequences at and
Garyusa :
To become a U.S. Senator you have to put your hand on a bible and swear to ""support and defend the Constitution." I guess Rand Paul thought he was agreeing to amend the Constitution.
These two should be impeached.
These two should be impeached.
Delaware Bob :
1d 22h ago OK. Let me try to figure this out again. It is against the law to enter this Country ILLEGALLY. Correct? OK. However, if you do come into this country ILLEGALLY and have a child, we will reward that child with a U.S. birth certificate and make him or her a citizen of the United States, pay for the birth and get the child on welfare so the mother can get money to stay in this country...and that's not ALL! We will school that child and the child will get food stamps, the child will get FREE school lunches, and that's not ALL! The mother and the child can have FREE healthcare and get into public housing, and that's not ALL! The more children you have, the more money you will get. But keep in mind, it is against the law to enter this country ILLEGALLY! Do I have that right? OK. How do you feel about Birth Tourism?
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